• 华盛顿特区

How can we treat this regime as normal, while it turns the bodies of Uyghur women into battlefields?

The Chinese Communist Party continues its genocide against Muslim Uyghurs, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz and other communities in East Turkestan with no hesitation. Excluding certain countries, the international community largely continues to ignore China’s actions. Abdulhakim Idris, Executive Director of the Uyghur Studies Center, says, “How can we treat this regime as normal  when they are bringing back slavery, bringing back concentration camps, and turning the bodies of Uyghur women into battlefields?”


Dr. Vikram Mansharamani hosted Abdulhakim Idris and Campaign for Uyghurs Executive Director Rushan Abbas during his program, Think for Yourself, this week.  During the program, İdris discussed his latest book, Menace: China’s Colonization of the Islamic World & Uyghur Genocide.


According to İdris, the group discussed the so-called ‘win-win’ situation while describing the new period colonial policies of the Chinese communist regime. According to Idris: “Today, the Chinese propagandists speak of win-win situations. The reality is that what is happening to us [Uyghurs] will happen to others. We can see what CCP rule looks like by looking at East Turkistan.” Stating that the Chinese communist party has been conducting nuclear tests since the 1960s and that the Uyghur society has suffered great destruction as a result of these tests, İdris said, “I was born at the time when China committed nuclear genocide. Still after 53 years, in the 21st century, there is an ongoing genocide. Without knowing if my mother is alive or not, for four years… I can’t ignore that. This is the situation of thousands & thousands of Uyghurs.”


Idris stated that the Uyghurs are experiencing the consequences of China’s colonial policies, noting that the target of the Beijing government is, after East Turkistan, Central Asia, and Muslim countries. Unlike the colonists of the past, China knocked on the doors of countries with a smiling face, establishing an order of repression in the name of investment. İdris said, “Uyghurs experienced Chinese colonization. I want to share with the world, especially the Muslim world…this Uyghur Genocide is humanity’s problem. It is everybody’s problem. Today, unfortunately, the control of the media in Islamic countries is in the hands of the state. State administrators also do not disclose the content of agreements with China. All the deals are confidential and there is no broadcaster to reveal them. Most of the media, which is said to be independent, is financially dependent on Beijing.” Emphasizing that what happened in East Turkistan is not only the problem of Uyghurs but also of all humanity, Idris said, “I lived in Germany for 18 years. During this time I visited concentration camps built by the Nazis. The Nazis were recording everything they did. Today, however, CCP is different. CCP destroys all records to prevent future accountability.”

Photo: tr724.com

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