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Category: 维吾尔种族灭绝

1986 年 1 月 2 日,美联社(Associated Press)宣布,2000 名维吾尔族学生在东突厥斯坦的首府乌鲁木齐举行了反对北京政府的抗议示威活动。据新闻报道称,此次的抗议示威活动不仅发生在乌鲁木齐,北京和上海也加入了此次抗议示威的行列。促使...

Rushan Abbas, Founder & Executive Director of Campaign for Uyghurs and Abdulhakim Idris, Founder & Executive Director of Center for Uyghur Studies are travelling to Dallas, Texas for a screening of the documentary fil...

It all started on a Ramadan day. By Abdullah Oğuz The holiest march in human history began with the message sent to our Prophet (SAV) on the 27th night of Ramadan. Since then, the month of Ramadan has been conside...

  On January 2, 1986, Associated Press (AP) announced that 2,000 Uy...

As confirmed at the Islamabad Organization of Islamic Cooperation meeting, they need China’s money, its protection at the UN, and its surveillance technology. ...

China continues its systematic, genocidal activities to erase the Mu...

As delivered at Church House Westminster on Thursday 9th December 2021. All evidence relied on for the Judgment is available on the Uyghur Tribunal website. The Tribunal was tasked with considering whether crimes had been committed against Uyghurs, K...



86 years ago, the Olympic Games, hos...

Blind to the mounting wave...


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