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Category: 观点

作者:Abdulhakim Idris 联合国人权事务高级专员发表了关于中共政权...

***Executive Director Abdulhakim Idris delivered this speech at Univeritas Muslim Nusanatara Al Washliyah in Medan, Indonesia on April 12, 2023. First of all, I wi...

Abdulhakim Idris The Uyghurs who are struggling for their existence under ...

By Abdulhakim Idris The latest report on the Chinese Communist r...

By Abdulhakim Idris The Uyghur genocide is no longer unknown to ...

The Ürümqi massacre had a profound effect on the local Uyghurs, completely destroying relations with the Chinese Hans. After the massacre, Chinese state has completely lost its legitimacy among the Uyghurs. ...

  On January 2, 1986, Associated Press (AP) announced that 2,000 Uy...

As confirmed at the Islamabad Organization of Islamic Cooperation meeting, they need China’s money, its protection at the UN, and its surveillance technology. ...

86 years ago, the Olympic Games, hos...

Blind to the mounting wave...


By Abdulhakim Idris In a 2019 documentary, a Chinese Police officer in East Turkista...

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