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撰稿:维吾尔研究中心 伊斯兰教传入中国的历史可以追溯到公元 7 世纪。在首次与穆斯林商人接触之后的时期,他们在中国的贸易中占据了重要地位。直到 12 世纪,穆斯林国家与中国关系一直...

1986 年 1 月 2 日,美联社(Associated Press)宣布,2000 名维吾尔族学生在东突厥斯坦的首府乌鲁木齐举行了反对北京政府的抗议示威活动。据新闻报道称,此次的抗议示威活动不仅发生在乌鲁木齐,北京和上海也加入了此次抗议示威的行列。促使...

“Germany apologized for its leading companies that supported Hitler’s genocide. But why does it want a European trade deal with the genocidal CCP government?” By ...

By Susan J. Palmer and Abdulmuqtedir Udun Published on Bitter Winter on April 3, 2021 China’s record of discri...

The Ürümqi massacre had a profound effect on the local Uyghurs, completely destroying relations with the Chinese Hans. After the massacre, Chinese state has completely lost its legitimacy among the Uyghurs. ...


The introduction of Islam into Chinese territory dates back to the 7th century. In the periods following the first encounter with Muslim merchants, they took a key position in China’s trade. Relations between Muslim states an...

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