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Ninemedia.id,. PONTIANAK - West Kalimantan Muhammadiyah Regional Leaders (PWM) together with MPK SDI and DPD West Kalimantan Muhammadiyah Student Association (IMM) held a Ramadhan Talk in the hall o...


On March 11, 2023, the Center for Uyghur Studies and Taklamakan Uyghur Publishing House organized a conference in Istanbul, Turkiye to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the “Hotan Islamic Government”. The conference was mod...

CUS Press Release For Immediate Release Jan 10, 2023 Contact@uyghu...

By Abdulhakim Idris The latest report on the Chinese Communist r...

CUS Press Release For Immediate Release Sept 1, 2022 Contact@uyghu...

Khutbah is an important occasion that we can utilize to educate the Muslims about the plights of Muslims around the world. We have developed this Khutbah sample on Uyghur Genocide and China's War on Islam. We hope it will hel...

Since 2017, the Uyghurs in the diaspora have lost communication with their family members and friends back home as the Chinese authorities in East Turkistan made a simple call from abroad a pretext for Uyghurs to be sent ...

On July 5th, 2009, thousands of Uyghur youths, mostly university students, marched in the streets of Urumqi in protest against the ruthless killing of innocent Uyghur workers on June 26, 2009, in a toy factory in Shaoguan...

  On January 2, 1986, Associated Press (AP) announced that 2,000 Uy...

As confirmed at the Islamabad Organization of Islamic Cooperation meeting, they need China’s money, its protection at the UN, and its surveillance technology. ...


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