• 华盛顿特区

Author: Uyghur Study

The introduction of Islam into Chinese territory dates back to the 7th century. In the periods following the first encounter with Muslim merchants, they took a key position in China’s trade. Relations between Muslim states an...

As China strives to achieve complete and utter global economic domination, the resources found within East Turkistan are a necessity to their success. East Turkistan consis...


By Abdulhakim Idris (Author) - ...



(Abdulhakim Idris) In the international community, traces of the trauma of World War II remain. Especially in Germany, the Nazi a...

(Abdulhakim Idris) The United Nations Women’s Organization (UN Women) organized a series of activities aimed at mobilizing the in...

(Uyghur Study Exclusive by Abdulhakim Idris) ...




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